Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My dictionary word for today...

Nerder: to murder some one by boring them to death with nerdy, or geeky, subjects.

This can include, but is not limited to: Star Wars, Star Trek, comic books, physics, astronomy, your "action figure" collection, anime, philosophy, etc.

Please, show caution before committing nerder. Do not become a nerderer.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Little white lies are the currency of life. Honesty is a commodity rarely traded in. Deception is a tool that can be put to good use. Out right lies, however, are a volatile stock.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A fictional conversation...

"I don't do what I do for the attention."

With those words, he leans back in the recliner, taking a drag on his cigarette. A smug expression on his face.

"No. I do it to spread a message."

The other man curiously asked, "what message?"

The first man leans forward, extinguishing his smouldering cigarette. A mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he answered. "My message? Look at me, of course."

Friday, August 19, 2011

Half Full or Half Empty?

Generally speaking, whether you view the glass as half full or empty determines whether you are an optimist or cynic. I'd like to point out that there are other ways of looking at it.

1) The Paranoid: "Who drank my water?!?"

2) The Ultra Optimist: "It's fine, I can refill the glass."

3) The Ultra Cynic: "This isn't even what I wanted to drink!"

4) The Thief: "This wasn't even my drink!"

5) The Saint: "You can have my half."

And I'm sure there are many more ways to look at it. I guess my point is, there are rarely just two ways of looking at something. I say rarely because we should never say never, and all that.

Not really life altering, profound wisdom, but whatever.

Friday, August 5, 2011


So, I had an odd dream, last night. In this dream, the X-Men, of which there was no known member of the team, were all being turned into vampires. Of course, I wasn't an X-Man. Nope, just regular ol' me. The highlight of the dream was when a girl I work with, who apparently was one of said superhero team, turned me into a vampire.

Strange, right? Especially since I generally dislike vampires.

Anyway, this got me to thinking. I've been told that our dreams is the subconscious mind's way of communicating with us. So, what does that dream say to me? I don't particularly like the X-Men, or vampires.

I think that many of my dreams are simply my mind saying, "hey, I'm bored, and you're asleep, so I'm going to entertain myself." Not everything has to have a deep, mystical meaning. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dentists and drugs!

Today, I had a tooth extracted. A simple procedure, but as the numbness wears off, the pain creeps in. So, of course, I have a prescription for pain meds.

Reading through the side effects, I noticed one was "a change in vision." So, what does that actually mean? I'm sure they don't mean a perspective on life alteration, so what? Does this mean I could get x-ray vision??? I'd love to have x-ray vision...or should I say, x-rated vision? Hehe.

Anyway, this brings me to something that I've always wondered, how did ancient people learn much of what they knew? What foods are edible is pretty simple, "that bird ate it, and lived, so it must be ok." But, what about other stuff, like drugs? Who was the first guy to realize you could smoke pot, and get stoned? How did he figure it out? Why did he do it?

I don't know the answers, but if you do, share with me!