Friday, July 29, 2011

Why does everyone hate Gungans?

Okay, okay...Jar Jar Binks WAS lame, I know.


But... Every time I see him, I can't help but think, "if Donald Duck and Goofy had a retarded love child...well, there it is!"

You can't honestly tell me you hate Donald AND Goofy! The two of them combined?!?!? C'mon!!!

Oh crap! Does this mean I'm evil????

I've realized, with great dismay, that I have something in common with histories most hated man. I am grateful I have realized this, before it came to a calamitous end.

Adolf Hitler began as an aspiring artist. He longed for the love, and acceptance, of an adoring crowd. However, he was rejected, not one, not twice, but three times, by a prestigious art school. The thing he longed for had been torn from him. In his despair, he fell into the exact opposite of his passion...politics.

Now, you may be asking, "how is politics the opposite of art?" A fantastic question! Allow me to explain: art seeks to create; politics seeks to manipulate. Art seeks to touch the soul, provoking thought and contemplation; politics would prefer for you to let politicians think for you.

Now, you are thinking, "now, wait a second...Before we stone you to death, what are you getting at?" Thank you, dear reader, for stopping to ask. What is the one thing that I wish to be? Tall. That, has been denied to me, but I have, instead, been gifted with it's opposite...I'm short.

I will not, I promise you, let this turn me to evil! No! For there are two very important things that separate me, from that most despised of people(aside from not wishing to harm anyone.)

1) Unlike Hitler, I can grow an almost Tom Selleck level moustache!

2) I have both of my testicles! (This may be an urban legend, both pertaining to Hitler, and myself, but it makes me giggle like a fourth grader with the farts.)